Monday, February 21, 2011

How do we write a C++ program in ubuntu(linux)

First thing we need to do is make a .cpp file.

Type in a shell:
vi HelloWorld.cpp
That means create a file HelloWorld.cpp and then edit it.
Type i to insert text.
Type Esc w q to save the file.

You can also use any other editor you like.

Here comes the source code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello World \n";
return 0;
#include <iostream> Means, include the iostream header so we can use cout to print out our text.
using namespace std; means, use the standard namespace.
You can also delete it and add std:: before cout.
int main() means this our main function, of the type integer.C++ automatically jumps to the main function and executes every line what's between { and }.
cout << "Hello World \n"; Means: print Hello World on the screen and end the line(\n).What i mean with end the line, if use another cout to print text it would appear on the next line, if you didn't do that it would appear next to it.The ; means, and of our cout line.
return 0; Means: return the value 0 to the function.It isn't really important to understand what it does, but you have to know that its necessary.

Now we're going to compile our source code using the GNU g++ compiler.
Take care you're in the directory with HelloWorld.cpp in it.
Then type:
g++ HelloWorld.cpp -o HelloWorld
It means compile and link HelloWorld.cpp to an executable called HelloWorld.
Now HelloWorld is ready to be executed and Hello World will appear in your shell.

If we want input from the user we need a variable to store our input in.There are lots of different variables, but to keep it simple we only use the string type.
Here's our source code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
string name;
cout << "Type in your name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Hello " << name << "! \n";
return 0;

Our first new line is #include <string>, that means include an header called string to let us use a string variable.
The first line in our main function is string name;.
That means: make a string variable called name to store our input in.

cin << name; means: Put the input of the user in the variable called name(we use created it).
The next line prints first Hello, then the name you typed and then !.
Now it probably makes sense why we use " and " to print our text in and not without the "s, because that may confuse the compiler.Is it a variable or just text?


Saturday, February 19, 2011

How do we Run a C program in linux...

First create a file.c, obviously having a C code.
/* FILE: test.c */
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
Go to terminal.
We assume this file.c is on desktop.

Test the file with
cd Desktop
ls file.c
It will echo the filename if succeeded.

Now type
gcc -Wall file.c
On succes, it returns the command prompt.
sujit@sujit-desktop:~/Desktop$ ls test.c
sujit@sujit-desktop:~/Desktop$ gcc -Wall test.c

to run the file type
chmod +x a.out
the output will be displayed.
Here a.out is the executable file created, which runs the executable code of your program. In Windows .obj file is created. My observation is, linux creates .out file which is directly executable. This must be the difference in Windows[;(] and Linux[:)].

The full guide to use gcc is available at


Friday, February 18, 2011

Is the Shade Coming Down on the Windows Era?

"Being the largest OEM of PCs on the planet and pushing GNU/Linux -- albeit a distro shrouded in non-free layers -- HP can put the last nail in the coffin of M$'s monopoly," predicted blogger Robert Pogson. "Their product will not only be competitive with that other OS, but iOS/MacOS and Android/Linux as well."

If the human brain can be compared to a search engine, it seems fair to say that most of us tend to scan the news each day for search terms and phrases that support our existing point of view.

That, indeed, could explain why a recent post over at the Linux Foundation has drawn so much attention on the Linux blogs.

"HP to Put Linux in Printers and PCs: It's the End of an Era for Windows" was the title of Executive Director Jim Zemlin's post, and it was that last bit -- "end of an era for Windows" -- that fairly leapt off the virtual page for Linux Girl.

'That Has Got to Hurt'

"HP announced that it is going to ship WebOS not only in phones, tablets and printers, but in PCs as well," Zemlin wrote. "In doing so, the world's largest PC supplier is indicating that they are going to ship PCs without Windows.

"For Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) -- who was nowhere at this event -- that has got to hurt," Zemlin added. "Perhaps this really IS the year of the Linux desktop."

Now, Linux Girl is in no hurry to get into another "year of" debate -- her bruises are still healing from the last one. But the idea of the Windows era coming to a close was an irresistibly intriguing one. She strapped on her snowshoes and headed down to the blogosphere's Broken Windows Lounge to learn more.

'Weaker and Weaker'

"It is one more indicator -- after Linux-based netbooks, Android-based phones, etc. -- that the end of the era is upon us," agreed Chris Travers, a Slashdot blogger who works on the LedgerSMB project.

Of course, "some of these sorts of things have not been sufficiently successful in the past, and so I remain a little skeptical that HP (NYSE: HPQ) will be able to bring WebOS to the mainstream," Travers added. "However, even if they fail, it will be one step closer to the fall of Microsoft's market power in this important market."

In fact, "Microsoft's monopoly is starting to look weaker and weaker," Travers opined. "The era will not end with a grand announcement or even a product release. It will be a slow process, but in the end, it is happening."

'Those 2 Million Windows Viruses'

Similarly, "Microsoft would like people to believe this is just the end of the beginning, but it really is the beginning of the end," concurred Barbara Hudson, a blogger on Slashdot who goes by "Tom" on the site. "HP sells a LOT of computers, and HP making a linux-based WebOS available on everything from smartphones to tablets to desktops is going to give it some decent 'shelf space.'"

It's significant that none of HP's new devices will run Microsoft Office, "the 'One True Cash Cow,'" Hudson pointed out. "And while Microsoft makes a big advertising Increase sales with VerticalResponse. Free trial. push about 'to the cloud,' this same net-centric model removes the need for MS Office compatibility, or even Windows, making WebOS a viable product."

Meanwhile, given the way Android is "crushing the competition" in the smartphone arena, "there's no reason to believe that tablets won't be a repeat," Hudson concluded. "And with WebOS, HP is going to be able to tell both businesses and consumers, 'You can have the same OS on all your devices.' The only difference is that OS will no longer be Windows."

On second thought, she added, "there is another big difference: even ordinary computer users who don't want to shell out for a Mac can ignore those 2 million Windows viruses."

'HP Will Try and Fail'

Slashdot blogger hairyfeet -- a self-proclaimed Windows fan -- saw it differently.

"The end of an era? No, it's not -- where has this guy been, under a rock?" hairyfeet began. "HP has ALWAYS been heavy into the workstation niche, and workstations require Linux support, end of story.

"It would be like announcing the end of an era because a company put out Linux drivers for their new server line. Duh!" hairyfeet exclaimed.

"The only way I see HP making a difference is if they put out one hell of a piece of kit at a crazy, Dell-like, barely-able-to-make-a-profit price point, and I just don't see that happening," he added.

In the mobile arena, then, "my prediction is that, like in the past, MSFT will pull a 'me too!' and lower the price of Windows, and the fact that OEMs can buy WinPhone but not iOS will give MSFT share by default," hairyfeet concluded. "HP will try and fail, and no rules will burn Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) and Android in a year, maybe less."

'An Era That Never Really Began'

That point of view, however, was far from unanimous.

"How do you end an era that never really began?" consultant and Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack asked. "Microsoft has never been all that good at PDAs or smartphones, and the only 'embedded' they were good at were places where you could put a PC in a funny case for a single task application."

HP's move, meanwhile, "is much bigger than Dell (Nasdaq: DELL) dipping its toes in the lake of GNU/Linux," blogger Robert Pogson opined. "With the investment of huge sums, manpower and vision, HP will make a difference."

'The Last Nail in the Coffin'

In fact, "being the largest OEM of PCs on the planet and pushing GNU/Linux -- albeit a distro shrouded in non-free layers -- HP can put the last nail in the coffin of M$'s monopoly," Pogson predicted. "Their product will not only be competitive with that other OS, but iOS/MacOS and Android/Linux as well.

"Competition is good, and this will make every participant in IT make choices and best efforts to give us what we deserve: IT that works for us, not against us," he explained.

Pogson's only reservations are that "HP appears not to be open with development, and they do not provide low-cost IT," he told Linux Girl. "I hope they do open the platform, and I hope they have the vision to make this technology available to all. That will maximize their return in the long run."

Meanwhile, the move "clearly sets the bar high for Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), M$ and GNU/Linux or Android/Linux," Pogson observed. "With this much competition, choice will be everywhere and monopoly will be ended within a year or so."

Top Five IT Quotes of the Week

"I think this is a great proof-point for Linux. It's an amazing achievement for the whole community. This can be seen as a confirmation of the superiority of the open development model."

    Kerry Kim, enterprise Linux solution manager at Novell, commenting on IBM's decision to use Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) as the underlying operating system for its Watson supercomputer, which won the Jeopardy challenge against two top human contenders this week. (Linux Planet)

"The traditional boundaries don't really apply anymore. The iPad is a computing device that can run applications. It has a processor, uses memory and has local storage. How many years have consumers been asking for instant on and longer battery life? Apple's addressed that need and consumers have voted with their dollars."

    DisplaySearch analyst Richard Shim, commenting on the research firm's new report that has Apple leading the market in shipments of mobile PCs for the fourth quarter of 2010. (Enterprise Mobile Today)

"We have a tax policy that is just broken. It's at an unreasonabl[y] high rate, and then it's the worst of all worlds. The majority of our growth, almost 70 percent of our market, and probably 90 percent of long-term growth is outside of the country and we have a policy that makes us non-competitive outside the country and then not only doesn't encourage us to bring it back, but penalizes it with double taxation."

"Wikileaks is not surprising to anyone here. The State Department learned what the music and video industry learned 10 years ago -- it's easy to move digital files. I think we're seeing some new business models emerge around secrecy because you can't give access about something to a thousand people and expect it to stay a secret."

    Security author Bruce Schneier speaking in a panel discussion on cyberwar at the RSA Conference in San Francisco. (eSecurity Planet)

"What you're seeing is this collapse -- this lack of differentiation -- that's going to happen between what is a consumer technology and what is an enterprise technology. What the enterprises really want is manageability, security. There's an entire webOS roadmap to build in all of the security models, so not only is it a great consumer device, but it will be the best and most friendly enterprise device that allows the enterprises to manage it, control it, secure the piece of information that's important to the enterprise -- but all in one device experience.

    Phil McKinney, CTO of HP's personal systems group, discussing plans for the webOS software the computer giant acquired as part of last year's $1.2 billion purchase of Palm. (Seattle Times)


Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS Now Available

The second maintenance update to the Long Term Support (LTS) version of Ubuntu Linux includes updated server, desktop, alternate installation CDs and DVDs for the i386 and amd64 architectures. The developers state that their intention has been to focus on "maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS". The updates to the installation CDs and DVDs are available for both server and desktop versions and 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.


Ubuntu one! The ubuntu cloud

What is Ubuntu One?

Ubuntu One is your personal cloud. But it's not just about syncing files — whether you need to access your contacts, notes or bookmarks from any computer or the web, enjoy your favorite music from a cloud integrated store or stream your entire collection to iPhone and Android mobile phones — we've raised the bar on personal clouds.

So be happy to join this free cloud for a linux user!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to upgrade your firefox on linux?

just type these two commands in terminal

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install firefox

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Now London stock exchange goes Linux way!

"The London Stock Exchange has successfully set into live trading a new matching engine based on Novell SUSE Linux technology, following successful last-step setup procedures on Saturday. The move has been billed as one of the LSE's most significant technological developments since the increasing prevalence of electronic trading led to the closure of the traditional exchange floor in 1986. LSE chief executive Xavier Rolet has insisted that the exchange, once a monopoly, will deliver record speed and stable trading in order to fight back against the fast erosion of its dominant marketshare by specialist electronic rivals."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Installation of Ubuntu

Before the installation of Ubuntu you should make sure there is enough space for Ubuntu on your Hard Disk and You should have backed up all your data.With those preparations complete, you’re ready to install Ubuntu.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Boot from the CD-ROM

With your computer booted up, insert the Ubuntu disc into the CD/DVD-ROM drive. Close the
tray, and then reboot your computer.
Ubuntu is installed by booting the installation program from CD-ROM. Therefore, the first
step is to ensure your computer’s BIOS is set to boot from the CD-ROM drive. How this is
achieved depends on your particular computer, but it’s always done via the BIOS setup program.
Most PCs let you enter BIOS setup by pressing the Delete key just after the computer is first
booted, although some use another key or key combination. Review the information displayed
on your particular screen at boot time for more information.
When the BIOS menu appears, look for an option such as Boot and select it (you can usually
navigate the BIOS menu by using the cursor keys and select options by pressing Enter). On the
new menu, look for a separate entry such as Boot Device Priority or perhaps Boot Sequence.
Ensure that the entry for the CD-ROM is at the top of the list, as shown in Figure 5-1. Arrange
the list so that it’s followed by the floppy drive and then your main hard disk (which will probably
be identified as IDE-0 or First Hard Disk). You can usually press the F1 key for help on how the
menu-selection system works.
Once you’ve made the changes, be sure to select the Exit Saving Changes option on the
main BIOS setup menu. Your PC will then reset and boot from the Ubuntu CD-ROM, and you’ll
be greeted by the Ubuntu welcome screen, as shown in Figure 5-2. Press Enter to start the
installation program.

■Note In most cases, you can simply hit Enter once the Ubuntu welcome screen is displayed. This will start
the installation program and get the ball rolling. However, by hitting the F2 key, and then the F1 key (the function
keys run along the top of the keyboard), you can view a number of troubleshooting options. It’s extremely
unlikely you’ll need to make use of these, but they’re worth bearing in mind for future reference.

Step 2: Select Your Language

One of the design goals of Ubuntu is to be usable by just about anyone in the world. Ubuntu
supports a massive list of languages, and the first step in the installation routine is to select one.
It offers many eastern and western European languages, as well as
Asian languages. The default is English.

This will be your first experience with Ubuntu’s keyboard-based navigation system, and
it’s a good example of how easy it is to use. Just use the up and down arrow keys to highlight
whichever language you want to select, and then press the Enter key.

Step 3: Confirm Your Keyboard Layout

Next, you’ll be asked to confirm the keyboard layout you’ll be using. This should correspond to
your language and locale settings, and will be automatically selected, so you can just hit Enter.
If, for whatever reason, you don’t know what keyboard layout you’re using, you can opt to
discover it. Use the cursor keys to highlight “Find your layout by pressing some keys.” This will
take you through a quiz during which the installation program uses a process of logical deduction
to discover your keyboard layout.
Alternatively, if you think your choice is correct, you might want to test it by selecting the
“Test your keyboard” option. If you find the keyboard doesn’t work as expected, choose the
option to discover its layout.

Step 4: Wait During Hardware and Networking Autodiscovery

Next, you can sit back for a few moments while Ubuntu probes your hardware and configures
everything to ensure that installation progresses smoothly.

Ubuntu will also attempt to configure your network connection at this stage. It may fail in
this attempt, reporting an error relating to something called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol), but this isn’t a problem. Just press Enter in the error dialog box, and then use the
cursor keys to highlight “Do not configure the network at this time” (being offline won’t hinder
installation in any way).

Step 5: Set a Hostname

Following autodiscovery, you’ll be asked to set a hostname for the computer, a slightly archaic
requirement. The hostname is the name under which your computer is identified in
networking environments, as well as at the command line. (Part 4 of this book describes how to
use the command line.)
Although the hostname is essential to how Linux works, it’s not something you need worry
about. You can enter your own name or go with the default choice of ubuntu—it’s up to you!
Once you’ve made your choice, simply press Enter to move on.

Step 6: Partition the Disk

Partitioning the disk is one of the most important steps during installation although, unfortunately,
it’s one that’s also couched in difficult terminology. Ubuntu does its best to make
partitioning easy.
You have four main options when it comes to disk partitioning: install on a hard disk that
also contains Windows, install on a second hard disk, delete an existing Windows partition, or
use free space that already exists on your hard disk.

Sharing a Hard Disk with Windows

If you’re thinking of installing Ubuntu on a hard disk that has Windows on it, Ubuntu can shrink
the Windows partition to make space (provided you have enough free space.

Simply select the top option in the menu, which should read something like “Resize IDE1
master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space,” as shown in Figure 5-5 (what you see may vary
slightly from this).
Figure 5-5(what you see may vary slightly from this)

Following this, you’ll be prompted to type in a new size for the Windows partition. Ubuntu
will tell you the minimum and maximum sizes for this partition. On my test PC, I was told the
minimum size was 1.4GB and the maximum was 30GB. In other words, the Windows partition
had around 1.4GB of data, and I couldn’t shrink it beyond this.
You have two main considerations here: you must shrink the partition to have enough
space for Ubuntu but also maintain enough space to allow Windows to function correctly.
Although you might choose to shrink the Windows partition to its minimum size, bear in mind

that Windows needs a little spare space to write temp and system files, not to mention files for
the users, such as Word documents. At the very least, you should allow around 500MB to 1GB
on top of the minimum Windows partition size recommended by Ubuntu.
A handy hint is that you can simply type 50%. This will split the free space in half, giving
50% to Ubuntu and leaving Windows with 50%. A neat and easy compromise!
Throughout the procedure, bear in mind that Ubuntu needs around 2GB to be able to
function correctly, so you should create at least this much free space.
After the resizing, the automatic partitioning tool will take over. This automatically creates
the partitions necessary for Ubuntu. You’ll see a warning about writing changes to your disk, as
well as a warning about how data may be destroyed. If you wish, you can highlight the Go Back
option to check the choices, but in nearly all cases, the default choices made by Ubuntu are
correct, so you can simply highlight Yes and hit Enter.

Deleting the Windows Partition

Deleting the Windows partition on your main disk will remove all the data from your hard disk,
including the Windows operating system (if it’s installed). Ubuntu will then take over the entire
hard disk. If you’re happy with this choice, simply use the cursor keys to select the “Erase entire
disk: IDE1 master (hda)” choice.
■Caution Be careful not to select the option marked “Erase entire disk and use LVM.” This is an option for
a different kind of Ubuntu setup used by experts.
Following this, you’ll be asked to confirm the partitioning choices. The default options will
be fine in most cases, so simply highlight Yes and hit Enter.
Installing on a Separate Hard Disk
Installing Ubuntu on a hard disk you’ve added especially for this purpose is very similar to
installing it on the primary hard disk.
Beneath the menu option for erasing the disk should be a second similar option, along the
lines of “Erase entire disk: IDE1 slave (hdb),” followed by the name and model of the second
drive. You should select this option.
■Caution Make sure that you select to install Ubuntu on the “slave” drive. Do not select the option relating
to the master drive! Doing so will erase all the data on your primary disk, including your current Windows
Once the choice has been made, the automatic partitioning tool will step in, and you can
simply select Yes. Then press Enter to continue with the installation.

Using Existing Free Space

If you’re an advanced user who has already freed space on your hard disk using a third-party
partitioning tool, or if you deliberately set up Windows using a partition size that didn’t take up
the entire hard disk, you can simply select the “Use largest continuous free space” option.
Ubuntu will then automatically partition your hard disk, and all you need to do is confirm
that you want to write the changes to disk.
Step 7: Wait During Automated Package Copying
The next stage is the automated copying from the CD-ROM of packages, as shown in Figure 5-6.
Initially, these are copied to your hard disk. Later, they will be installed and set up.
■Note Packages are single files that contain the individual program files and data. They’re analogous to Windows program installation files.

Unlike some varieties of Linux, Ubuntu doesn’t ask you to make any choices regarding
which software you want to install. It takes a “one size fits all” approach, which means that
every installation of Ubuntu is exactly the same straight out of the box. However, you can add
or remove programs very easily once the system is up and running.
Don’t worry about the names of the packages as they flash by on the screen. Some might
seem quite strange, complicated, or even irrelevant. The way Linux works means that some
software packages rely on other software packages, so often software that will never be used
directly is installed.

Step 8: Set the Time Zone

Depending on your location, the next step may be to set the time zone for your locality, as
shown in Figure 5-7. For example, users in eastern United States will choose Eastern Standard
Time. This setting also allows Ubuntu to update your system clock to take into account Daylight
Saving Time (or similar schemes used throughout the world).

Depending on your location, you may have an option to use GMT/UTC. If you’re dualbooting
with Windows, you should decline this option because it can cause your PC’s clock to
be set incorrectly. If Linux is the only operating system on your PC, you should choose GMT.
Step 9: Set Your Real Name, Username, and Password
Next, enter your real name and your username, as shown in Figure 5-8. The real name is how
you’ll be formally identified on the system to anyone who uses the system. The standard practice
is to use your full name, including first and last names, separated by a space.
The username is how the computer itself will identify you. It’s what you’ll use to log in to
the system, for example. This needs to be unique (two users on the same computer cannot
have the same username), and there are rules about which characters you can use.

The username should be one word without any spaces in it. You can choose any username
consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters, but try to avoid symbols and punctuation, because
these can create problems later on. Additionally, the username cannot begin with an uppercase
letter, although you can use uppercase in the rest of the username.
The simplest procedure for choosing a username is to use your own first name, typed
entirely in lowercase letters. For example, when I installed Ubuntu, I typed my real name as
Keir Thomas and chose keir as my username.
Following this, you’ll be asked to enter a password. Here, the rules are the inverse of those for
your username. A good password contains numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation
marks, and anything else you can get in there! This helps make your password almost
impossible for someone else to guess, and thus makes your system more secure. (If you want to
be really secure, create a password that’s ten or more characters long.) You’ll need to enter the
password twice; the second time confirms that you didn’t make a typo the first time around.
Step 10: Install the GRUB Boot Loader
If Windows is also installed on the same hard disk as Ubuntu, you’ll be asked if you want to install
the GRUB boot loader onto the PC’s master boot record, as shown in Figure 5-9. The GRUB boot
loader is the menu that will appear when you first boot, from which you’ll be able to choose either
Ubuntu or Windows. It’s pretty essential, so you should select Yes. Then hit Enter.

Step 11: Reboot for the Second Installation Phase

Following a little more copying and installing, Ubuntu will reboot and begin the second phase
of installation, as shown in Figure 5-10. You should make sure that the installation CD is no
longer in the CD-ROM drive, and then press Enter. Note that you are now finished with the
installation CD.

Step 12: Wait During Package Installation

Following the reboot of your PC, you will see lots of complicated-looking text scrolling down
your screen. Don’t worry—this is just the standard Linux boot procedure.
Soon after this, the graphical boot process will start, and you’ll see the Ubuntu logo in the
middle of the screen with a progress bar showing how far along it is. Beneath this a list of boot
items will slowly appear as Ubuntu starts up. Again, don’t worry if some of these read “Failed”
instead of “OK.” Error messages when Linux is booting aren’t necessarily bad things, as they
are with Windows! Often, they’re just telling you something that you might want to take note of
but that you can otherwise ignore.
After the boot process has finished, package installation will start. This will take anywhere
between 15 and 30 minutes, during which time you’ll see a progress bar on screen, as shown in
Figure 5-11.

Step 13: Configure Your Monitor

Toward the end of the package installation, you may be asked to set the resolutions for your
monitor, as shown in Figure 5-12, although this depends on your hardware setup. In many
instances, Ubuntu will choose the correct settings and not bother you.

If you are prompted for this information, you’ll need to choose not only the main day-today
resolution, but also any other resolutions that you might want to use occasionally, such as
lower resolutions.
You should consult your monitor’s manual to find out its optimal resolution, although
Ubuntu will make a guess that’s probably correct. Generally speaking, most 15- and 17-inch
traditional CRT monitors run at 1024×768 resolution, while 17-inch LCD screens will most
likely run at 1280×1024. If you have a 15-inch or 14-inch LCD screen, it will most likely run at
1024×768. Most modern notebook screens also tend to run at 1024×768.
Use the cursor keys to highlight the relevant option and, if it’s not already selected (there
isn’t an asterisk there), press the spacebar to select it. Note that the list will scroll when you
reach the bottom. When you’re finished, use the Tab key to select OK, and then hit Enter.
Following this, package installation will continue for a bit longer.

Step 14: Boot for the First Time

When installation has finished, the system will boot straight into the Ubuntu login screen

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Linux Jokes

  • 1. Fatal Error: Found MS-Windows System -> Repartitioning Disk for Linux...
  • 2. "Linux, DOS, Vista -- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
  • 3. Failure is not an option -- it comes bundled with Windows.
  • 4. "Microsoft: ""You've got questions. We've got dancing paperclips."
  • 5. "Linux, because we don't need no steenkin' Blue Screen of Death!"
  • 6. Computers are like air conditioners -- they stop working properly if you open WINDOWS
  • 7. "The nice thing about Windows is - It does not just crash, it displays a dialog"
  • 8. Microsoft gives you Windows... Linux gives you the whole house.
  • 9. Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117.
  • 10. Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. Linux is the answer.
  • 11. Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for.
  • 12. Type cat vmlinuz > /dev/audio to hear the Voice of God.
  • 13. Linux, for people who want to know why their computer works.
  • 14. Linux: The choice of a new generation.
  • 15. In the land of Linux, if you listen hard at night you can hear the whirr of Windows machines rebooting.
  • 16. Linux; because a 486 is a terrible thing to waste.
  • 17. Linux... better than a sports drink... it doesn't make you crash after an hour.
  • 18. Linux: "Good evening Mr. Gates, I will be your server this evening."
  • 19. "Read my lips... No new WINDOWS!"

Linus Torvalds-Man Behind Linux

Linus Benedict Torvalds (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈliːnɵs ˈtuːrvalds] ( listen); born December 28, 1969 in Helsinki, Finland) is a Finnish software engineer and hacker, best known for having initiated the development of the Linux kernel. He later became the chief architect of the Linux kernel, and now acts as the project's coordinator.

Early years
Torvalds was born in Helsinki, Finland. He is the son of journalists Anna and Nils Torvalds,and the grandson of poet Ole Torvalds. Both of his parents were campus radicals at the University of Helsinki in the 1960s. His family belongs to the Swedish-speaking minority (5.5%) of Finland's population. Torvalds was named after Linus Pauling, the American Nobel Prize-winning chemist, although in the book Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution, Torvalds is quoted as saying, "I think I was named equally for Linus the Peanuts cartoon character", noting that this makes him half "Nobel-prize-winning chemist" and half "blanket-carrying cartoon character".

The Linus/Linux connection

Initially Torvalds wanted to call the kernel he developed Freax (a combination of "free", "freak", and the letter X to indicate that it is a Unix-like system), but his friend Ari Lemmke, who administered the FTP server where the kernel was first hosted for downloading, named Torvalds' directory linux.

Authority and trademark

About 2% of the Linux kernel as of 2006 was written by Torvalds himself.Since Linux has had thousands of contributors, such a percentage represents a significant personal contribution to the overall amount of code. Torvalds remains the ultimate authority on what new code is incorporated into the standard Linux kernel.
Torvalds owns the "Linux" trademark, and monitors[25] use of it chiefly through the Linux Mark Institute.


In 1997, Torvalds received his Master degree (Laudatur Grade) from Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki. Two years later he received honorary doctor status at Stockholm University, and in 2000 he received the same honor from his alma mater.
In August 2005, Torvalds received the Vollum Award from Reed College.
In 1998 Torvalds received an EFF Pioneer Award. In 2000 he was awarded the Lovelace Medal from the British Computer Society.In 2001, he shared the Takeda Award for Social/Economic Well-Being with Richard Stallman and Ken Sakamura. In 2008, he was inducted into the Hall of Fellows of the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.[33][34] He was awarded the C&C Prize by the NEC Corporation in 2010 for "contributions to the advancement of the information technology industry, education, research, and the improvement of our lives".
Time magazine has recognized Torvalds multiple times:
In 2000, he was 17th in their Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century Poll.
In 2004, he was named one of the most influential people in the world
In 2006, the magazine's Europe edition named him one of the revolutionary heroes of the past 60 years.
InfoWorld presented him with the 2000 Award for Industry Achievement.In 2005 Torvalds appeared as one of "the best managers" in a survey by BusinessWeek.In 2006, Business 2.0 magazine named him one of "10 people who don't matter" because the growth of Linux has shrunk Torvalds' individual impact.
In summer 2004, viewers of YLE (the Finnish Broadcasting Company) placed Torvalds 16th in the network's 100 Greatest Finns. In 2010, as part of a series called The Britannica Guide to the World's Most Influential People, Torvalds was listed among The 100 Most Influential Inventors of All Time.

In 1996, an asteroid (9793 Torvalds) was named after him.
The 1999 novel Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson features several characters who use "Finux", a Unix-like operating system developed in Finland.
In the 2001 film Swordfish, the uber-hacker Axl Torvalds was a reference to Linus because of his contributions to Linux which is the primary operating system of hackers.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Things you can do in Ubuntu, BUT NOT IN WINDOWS!

Update every single piece of software on my system with a single action.

Update nearly everything on my computer without a reboot.

Keep my system secure without software that consumes my system resources, requires my time, and frequently nags me.

Take my settings with me where ever I go.

Run Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0 on the same desktop

Customize every aspect of my desktop.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The IndLinux Project

The goal of this project is to create a Linux distribution that supports Indian Languages at all levels. This Indianisation project will strive to bring the benefits of Information Technology down to the Indian masses. We want to make technology accessible to the majority of India that does not speak English.
The task of localization has several pieces that need domain expertise. Some examples are I/O modules, development of fonts, kernel enablement, word translation etc. The project is looking for experts and volunteers to champion the cause of Indian language computing. You may volunteer and participate here.
The Indian Linux project is open source and completely free. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Home page of the project :

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Linux is Better ?????

1.Forget About Viruses

2.Is Your System Unstable

3.Linux protects your computer

4.Don't pay $100 for O.S.


6.Forget about Drivers.

7.Update all your software with a single click

8.why copy software illegally if you can get it for free.......


Ubuntu Wallpaper of the Day